Sachin Bansal

Learning Programming using BigBinary Academy.

I am a self-taught programmer. I love checking out the newest digital products. I sometimes make reels about them too. Mostly, you'll find me dreaming about the next big thing.

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Who Am I?

I am an aspiring web designer. I have taught myself to code. I would love to build new, cutting edge designs. The technologies that most excite me include new mobile apps, Electronic Vehicles and Artifical Intelligence. I am currently working on building a portfolio of my work so that I can get an awesome coding job.

Why Am I Learning to Code?

I started my career back in 2015. 5 years into the corporate world, I realised that coding is an essential skill nowadays. This started me on the path of learning the basics of coding. My first step is to be a part of the web development bootcamp by BigBinary Academy. It feels great today, since I am making my own personal portfolio which I could show off in front of my friends. Not only that, I could use this as my resume when I apply for further web development jobs.

Interesting Films & Games

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Hi, this website is best viewed on a desktop. Please switch to a desktop so that you can see my work. It can be viewed on a mobile too, but it wouldn't be as awesome as the desktop one. 🤗

To make a website look good on all types of screens is some intermediate level wizardry. When I have studied more, I will make this website look great on mobile too. 🚀